








1.Binggui Sun, Xintao Wei, Yuzhang Yang*, et al., Phytolith Evidence for Crop Structure at the Zhangwangzhang Site during the Early and Middle Yangshao Cultural Periods on the Southwestern Huanghuai Plain, China. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2023.8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2023.104181.

2.Yuzhang Yang, Miaomiao Yang, Binggui Sun, et al., Mixed farming of rice and millet became the main subsistence strategy 6400 years ago in the Western Huanghuai Plain of Central China: New macrofossil evidence from Shigu. Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences, (2023) 15:122. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-023-01821-5.

3.Binggui Sun, Yuzhang Yang*, Wanfa Gu, et al., Development of crop growing from the late Yangshao to early Longshan period in the Zhengluo region of central China: phytolith evidence from the Shuanghuaishu site. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 2023.5: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00334-023-00926-0.

4.Khan Muslim, Ling Yao, Yuzhang Yang*, et al., Plant foods consumed at the Neolithic site of Qujialing (ca. 5800-4200 BP) in Jianghan Plain of the middle catchment of Yangtze River, China. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022.10: DOI 10.3389/fpls.2022.1009452.

5.Jingwen Liao, Yuzhang Yang*, Wanfa Gu, et al., A new filtered alcoholic beverage: residues evidence from the Qingtai site (ca. 5500–4750 cal. BP) in Henan Province, central China. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2022.3. https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2022.884630.

6.Yuzhang Yang*, Ling Yao, Dong Zhang, et al., Starch grain analysis of two different types of grinding stones from the Neolithic Shuangdun site (7.3-6.8 ka BP) in eastern China. Archaeometry, 2022;64:1013-1027.

7.Wuhong Luo, Yuzhang Yang*, Lina Zhuang et al., Phytolith evidence of water management for rice growing and processing between 8,500 and 7,500 cal years bp in the middle Huai River valley, China. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 2021, (30): 243–254.

8.Yuzhang Yang, Muhammad Hameed & Muhammad Azam Sameer. Archaeobotanical insights of the pre-historic agriculture in Pakistan: Archaeological acumens. Ancient Punjab, 2020, (8): 86-102.

9.Wuhong Luo, Chunguang Gu, Yuzhang Yang*, et al., Phytoliths reveal the earliest interplay of rice and broomcorn millet at the site of Shuangdun (ca.7.3~6.8 ka BP) in the middle Huai River valley, China. Journal of Archaeological Science. 2019, 102: 26-34.

10.Wuhong Luo, Jia Li, Yuzhang Yang*, et al., Evidence for crop structure from phytoliths at the Dongzhao site on the Central Plains of China from Xinzhai to Erligang Periods. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 2018, 17: 852-859.

11.Wuhong Luo, Yuzhang Yang*, Fang Fang, et al., Chronology of ancient Dongxiang wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.), and the morphologies of grains, double-peaked phytoliths, and starch, in the middle Yangtze River region, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 2017, 244: 140-147.

12.YANG Yuzhang, CHENG Zhijie, LI Weiya, et al., The emergence, development and regional differences of mixed farming of rice and millet in the upper and middle Huai River Valley, China. Science China-Earth Sciences. 2016, 59 (9): 1779-1790.

13.YANG Yuzhang, LI Weiya, YAO Ling, et al., Plant food sources and stone tools’ function at the site of Shunshanji based on starch grain analysis. Science China-Earth Sciences. 2016, 59 (8):1574-1582.

14.Ling Yao, Yuzhang Yang*, Yanan Sun, et al., Early Neolithic human exploitation and processing of plant foods in the Lower Yangtze River, China. Quaternary International. 2016, 426: 56-64.

15.Wuhong Luo, Yuzhang Yang*, Ling Yao, et al., Phytolith records of rice agriculture during the middle Neolithic in the middle reaches of Huai River region, China. Quaternary International. 2016, 426: 133-140.

16.孙炳桂,杨玉璋*,罗武宏, . 黄淮西部仰韶时代农业结构研究—来自河南石固和贾庄遗址的植硅体证据. 微体古生物学报,2022; 39(3):263-275.

17.程至杰, 杨玉璋, 甘恢元, . 江苏沭阳万北遗址2015年度炭化植物遗存分析. 中国农史. 2020, 39(5): 33-42.

18.杨玉璋, 黄程青, 姚凌, . 湖北荆门屈家岭遗址史前农业发展的植硅体证据. 第四纪研究, 2020, 40(2): 462-471.

19.罗武宏, 顾纯光, 杨玉璋*, . 安徽临泉宫庄遗址大汶口文化早期与龙山文化时期稻作农业发展的植硅体证据. 微体古生物学报. 2018, 35 (4): 370-380.

20.胡飞, 杨玉璋, 张居中. 淮河中游地区史前人类文化演化过程的环境考古学观察. 东南文化, 2018, (3): 46-53.

21.张娟, 杨玉璋*, 张义中, . 安徽蚌埠钓鱼台遗址炭化植物遗存研究. 第四纪研究. 2018, 38 (2): 393-405.

22.孙亚男, 杨玉璋*, 张家强, . 郑州地区东赵先民植物性食物结构及遗址出土部分陶器功能分析:来自植物淀粉粒的证据. 第四纪研究. 2018, 38 (2): 406-419.

23.杨玉璋, 张居中, 蓝万里, . 河南舞阳县贾湖遗址2013年发掘简报. 考古. 2017, (12): 3-20.

24.杨玉璋, 袁增箭, 张家强, . 郑州东赵遗址炭化植物遗存记录的夏商时期农业特征及其发展过程. 人类学学报, 2017, 36 (1): 119-130.

25.胡飞, 杨玉璋, 张居中, . 浙江嵊州小黄山遗址古环境分析. 南方文物. 2016, (4): 209-214.

26.杨玉璋, 禤华丽, 袁增箭, . 安徽繁昌缪墩遗址古人类植物性食物资源利用的淀粉粒分析. 第四纪研究. 2016, 36 (6): 1466-1474.

27.程至杰, 杨玉璋*, 张居中, . 安徽淮南小孙岗遗址炭化植物遗存研究. 第四纪研究. 2016, 36(2): 302-311.

28.程至杰, 杨玉璋, 袁增箭, . 安徽宿州杨堡遗址炭化植物遗存研究. 江汉考古. 2016, (1): 95-103.

29.胡飞, 杨玉璋, 张居中*, . 巢湖地区末次冰消期—早全新世沉积环境演化. 海洋地质与第四纪地质. 2015, 35(1): 153-162.

30.胡飞, 杨玉璋, 张居中*, . 安徽巢湖湖相地层记录的早全新世气候事件. 地层学杂志. 2015, 39(1): 50-57.

31.杨玉璋, 李为亚, 姚凌, . 淀粉粒分析揭示的河南唐户遗址裴李岗文化古人类植物性食物资源利用. 第四纪研究. 2015, 35 (1): 229~239.


32.杨玉璋, 张茂林, 蒋乐平, . 浙江金衢盆地新石器时代早中期上山文化陶器科技分析. 中国陶瓷, 2023, 59(2):56-62.

33.曾令园, 何汉生, 杨玉璋*, . 江苏镇江孙家村遗址印纹硬陶制作工艺及相关问题研究. 中国陶瓷, 2022, 58(2): 64-71.

34.杨桂美, 杨玉璋*, 姚政权, . 凤阳明中都遗址出土琉璃瓦胎体制作工艺研究. 光谱学与光谱分析. 2019, 39 (4):1280-1287.

35.杨桂美, 杨玉璋*, 姚政权, . 凤阳明中都遗址出土琉璃瓦釉的工艺分析. 中国陶瓷. 2018, 54 (9): 66-73.

36.杨玉璋, 曾令园*, 汪发志, . 安徽繁昌柯家冲窑青白瓷釉化学组成及其制釉工艺来源研究. 光谱学与光谱分析. 2017, 37 (4): 1009-1015.

37.杨玉璋, 崔炜, 张居中, . 安徽禹会遗址薄胎磨光黑陶产地研究. 中原文物. 2014, (4): 113-118.

38.陈茜茜, 杨玉璋*, 张居中, . 浙江小黄山与河南贾湖遗址出土新石器时代前期陶器化学组成的WDXRF分析研究. 光谱学与光谱分析. 2011, 31 (11): 3140-3144.

39.杨玉璋, 张居中, 左健, . “钟离君柏”墓出土彩绘陶器颜料的光谱分析. 光谱学与光谱分析. 2010, 30(3): 1130-1133.

40.杨玉璋, 张居中. 繁昌窑青白瓷化学组成分析及其衰落原因考察. 考古与文物, 2010年第2: 105-108.

41.杨玉璋, 张居中, 鲁厚祖. 安徽繁昌窑研究新进展. 东南文化. 2009年第3: 83-87.

42.杨玉璋, 张居中. 安徽繁昌窑青白瓷微量元素组成的中子活化分析. 核技术, 2008, 31 (7): 534-538.

43.杨玉璋, 张居中. 安徽繁昌窑青白瓷釉初步研究. 江汉考古, 2008年第3: 109-112.

44.杨玉璋, 张居中,李广宁, . 安徽繁昌县柯家冲瓷窑遗址发掘简报. 考古, 2006年第4: 37-48.

45.杨玉璋, 张居中. 从繁昌窑青白瓷制作看“二元配方”工艺的产生. 考古与文物, 2006年第2: 89-92.

46.杨玉璋, 张居中. 试论安徽繁昌窑---2002年柯家冲窑址发掘的主要收获. 华夏考古,  2006年第2: 96-101.



2.国家自然科学基金面上项目:黄淮西部8.0-6.0 ka BP-旱混作农业的形成过程与区域气候变化关系研究,2018.01-2021.12,主持;








