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刘思然,男,1987年生于北京,2009年本科毕业于北京大学考古文博学院文物保护专业,同时获得化学与分子工程学院化学双学位。2010年毕业于伦敦大学学院考古系(UCL, Institute of Archaeology),获硕士学位。2015年毕业于伦敦大学学院考古系,获博士学位。2016年加入北京科技大学科技史与文化遗产研究院,历任师资博士后,讲师(2017),副教授(2018),教授(2023)。现任冶金与材料史研究所所长。获评国家级青年人才和北京市社会科学基金青年学术带头人,担任东亚考古学会(SEAA)副主席,国际科技考古期刊Archaeometry 编委(Editorial board member),Advances in Archaeomaterials 编辑,GloabaLID China regional editor,剑桥大学Magdalene College YIP Fellow(2024)。
研究生:《Archaeomaterials Seminar》(英语授课),《科技考古研究方法》,《古代材料分析实验》
1. Liao, L., Sun, Z., Liu, S.**, Ma, S., Chen, K., Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Song W. *. 2024. Applying a mask R-CNN machine learning algorithm for segmenting electron microscope images of ceramic bronze-casting moulds. Journal of Archaeological Science, 170, 106049.
2. He, X. 1, Sun, Z.1, Liu, S.*, Chen, J., Gong, X., 2024. Provenancing Copper in the Middle Shang Period Through Isotopic Analysis of Metallurgical Remains. Journal of Archaeological Science, 168, 106020.
3. Liu, T., Liu Zh., Liu, S.*. 2024. Material characterization revealing production models of the Late Ming silver hairpins. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 57, 104683.
4. Wu, T., Qian, W., Liu, S.*, Ding, Y. **. 2024. Geochemical analysis of the metallurgical crucibles from the Ding Kiln and its implications for Ding white porcelain recipe. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 57, 104561.
5. Lin, J., Wang, Y., Liu, S.*, Qian W. 2023. Evaluating accuracy and inter-laboratory reproducibility of the compositional analysis of ancient bronzes. Advances in Archaeomaterials: 100027.
6. Sun, Z., Gao, Y., He, X. *, Liu, S. **, Chen, K., Chen, J., Gong, X. 2023. Material characterization uncovers sophisticated mould-making techniques of the middle-Shang period (14th-13th BCE), Journal of Archaeological Science, 160, 105870.
7. Liu, S. & Rehren, Th. 2023. Primary Production: Metals. In Nikita, E. & Rehren, Th. (eds) Encyclopedia of Archaeology (2 ed), Elsevier: Netherlands.
8. Sun, Z., Liu, S.*, Yang, S., Chen, K., Chen, J. 2023. Investigating the origins of metals used in the Early Shang capital of Zhengzhou. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 48, 103872.
9. Sun, Z., Liu, S.*, Zhang, J., Chen, K., Kaufman, B. 2023. Resolving the Complex Mixing History of Ancient Chinese Bronzes by Manifold Learning and a Bayesian Mixing Model. Journal of Archaeological Science, 151, 105728.
10. Hu, Q., Liu, W., Liu, S.*, Chen, J. 2023. Detecting copper trihydroxychlorides with reflectance spectroscopy and machine learning methods. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 59, 49-56.
11. Sun, Z., Liu, S. *, Yang, S., Chen, K., Chen, J. 2022. Trace Elements Analysis Reveals Varied Functions of Copper Processing Crucibles from the Shang City at Zhengzhou. Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences, 14, 128 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-022-01593-4.
12. Liu, S. 2022. Metalworking in Bronze Age China: The Lost-Wax Process by Peng Peng (review). Asian Perspectives. 61 (1), 177-179, doi: 10.1353/asi.2022.0009.
13. Chen, D., Han, Y., Wang, Z., Chen, K. Cai, B., Liu, S.*. 2021. The prestigious tin-lead horse fittings in the Warring States period: evidence from funerary artefacts of a Warring States tomb at Shouxian, Anhui. Archaeometry, 63(6), 1290-1305. doi: 10.1111/arcm.12673.
14. Yan, B., Liu, S*., Chastain, M., Yang, S., Chen, J. 2021. A new FTIR method for estimating the firing temperature of ceramic bronze-casting moulds from early China, Scientific Reports, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-82806-z.
15. Liu, S.*, He, X., Chen, J., Zou, G., Guo, S., Gong, X., Rehren, Th. 2020. Micro-slag and “invisible” copper processing activities at a Middle-Shang period (14th-13th century BC) bronze casting workshop. Journal of Archaeological Science 122, 105222.
16. Liu, S.*, Rehren, Th., Qin, D., Chen, J., Zhou, W., Martinón-Torres, M., Huang, X., Qian, W. 2019. Coal-fuelled crucible lead-silver smelting in 12th-13th century China: A technological innovation in the age of deforestation. Journal of Archaeological Science 104,75-84.
17. Liu, S. *, Chen, K.L., Rehren, Th., Mei, J.J., Chen, J.L., Liu, Y., Killick, D. 2018. Lead isotope and metal source of Shang Bronzes: A response to Sun et al.’s comments. Archaeometry, 60 (5), 1040-1044.
18. Liu, S. *, Chen, K.L., Rehren, Th., Mei, J.J., Chen, J.L., Liu, Y., Killick, D. 2018. Did China import metals from Africa in the Bronze Age? Archaeometry, 60 (1), 105-117.
19. Chen, K., Liu, S.*, Li, Y.*, Mei, J., Shao, A., Yue, L. 2017. Evidence of arsenical copper smelting in Bronze Age China: A study of metallurgical slag from the Laoniupo site, central Shaanxi, Journal of Archaeological Science 82, 31-39.
20. Liu, S.*, Rehren, Th., Chen, J., Xu, C., Venunan, P., Larreina-Garcia, David., Martinón-Torres, M., 2015. Bullion production in imperial China and its significance for sulphide ore smelting world-wide. Journal of Archaeological Science 55, 151-165.
21. Liu, S., Rehren, Th.*, Pernicka, E., Hausleiter, A. 2015. Copper processing in the oases of northwest Arabia: technology, alloys and provenance. Journal of Archaeological Science 53. 492-503.
22. Liu, S.*, Wang, K, Cai, Q., Chen, J*. 2013. Microscopic study of Chinese bronze casting moulds from the Eastern Zhou period. Journal of Archaeological Science 40, 2402-2414.
23. 刘田,刘志岩,刘思然*:明代五十两税银银锭的考古学观察,中国国家博物馆馆刊,2024年第8期,第99-110页。
24. 吴慧敏,王雨晨*,刘思然**,华春涌,刘田,孙傲:云南大理黄矿厂遗址银铅冶炼技术研究,文物保护与考古科学,2024年第1期,第32-43页。
25. 肖娟英,吴超明,宋国定,刘思然*,顾万发:巩义双槐树仰韶房址地坪的原料与制作工艺研究,中原文物,2023年第3期,第55-65页。
26. 刘思然,邹秋实,路晋东,陈坤龙,陈建立:盘龙城遗址小嘴金属物料溯源研究,江汉考古,2023年第4期,第131-138页.
27. 刘思然,宫鑫,严弼宸:古代陶器烧制温度的红外光谱分析研究,光谱学与光谱分析,2023年第5期,第1495-1500页.
28. 刘田,刘思然*,刘志岩:白银文物主微量元素测试的数据质量与分析条件研究,南方文物,2022年第5期,第152-163页。
29. 刘思然,韩玉,蔡波涛,王志雄,陈坤龙:寿县西圈墓地M25出土金属器的金相和成分分析,河南博物院院刊,2021年第1期,第140-149页。
30. 刘思然,邹秋实,路晋东,陈坤龙,陈建立:盘龙城遗址小嘴商代冶金遗物的分析与研究,江汉考古,2020年第6期,第129-140页。
31. 刘思然,陈建立,徐长青, Thilo Rehren:江西上高蒙山遗址古代银铅冶炼技术研究, 江汉考古,2018年第1期,第106-117页。
32. 刘思然,陈建立,种建荣,雷兴山:周原孔头沟遗址宋家墓地铜器的科学分析与研究,南方文物,2017年第2期,第86-93页。
33. 刘思然,陈建立,徐长青,Rehren Thilo.:江西上饶包家金银冶炼遗址的冶金考古调查与研究,南方文物,2016年第1期,第122-131页。
34. 王元锴,刘思然*,马泓蛟,李延祥:一种基于扫描电镜能谱有标样分析的古代青瓷釉化学成分半定量方法及应用,中国文物科学研究,2020年第2期,第50-56页。
35. Fan, Z., Zhou, Zh., Liu, S. et al. The earliest stamped hard pottery and high-firing technology dating back to 5000 BP: Evidence from two sites in southeastern China, Journal of Archaeological, 166: 105977.
36. Wang, Q., Liu, S., Chen, J., Li, Y., Guo, X., Chen, X., Fang, H.* 2023. The first discovery of shang period smelting slags with highly radiogenic lead in yingcheng and implications for the shang political economy. Journal of Archaeological, 149: 105804.
37. Zhou, W., Liu, S., Liu, H., Chen, J., Rehren, Th. 2021. Traditional Chinese technology of crucible lead smelting: a comprehensive study based on historical records and archaeological finds. Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology, 5(1), 27-57.
38. Liu, Wei., Li, Mo., Wu, Na., Liu, S., Chen, J.*2021. A new application of fiber optics reflection spectroscopy (FORS): identification of “bronze disease” induced corrosion products on ancient bronzes. Journal of Cultural Heritage. doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2021.03.007.
39. Yang, X., Sun, H., Wang, S., Luan, H., Wang, C., Tao, N., Sun, J., Chen, B., Han, Y., Liu, S. 2020. Thermal property analysis characterization of the bronze casting moulds. Proceedings Volume 11559, Infrared, Millimeter-Wave, and Terahertz Technologies VII; 115590H (2020).
40. Yang, F., Rehren, Th., Kang, P., Liu, S., Chen, K*, 2020. On the soldering techniques of gold objects from the Boma site, Xinjiang, China. Journal of Archaeological Science Report, 33(1): 102572.
41. Li, Haichao., Liu, Siran., Cui, Jianfeng., Lei, Xingshan., Chong, Jianrong., et al. 2020. Cold-worked and annealed bronze objects and relevant motif techniques in the Chinese Bronze Age: analysis of bronze sheets found at Songjia cemetery in Shaanxi, China. Archaeometry, 62(1), 54-67.
42. Martinon-Torres, Marcos., Li, Xiuzhen., Benzonelli, Agnese., Bevan, Andrew., Ma, Shengtao., Huang, Jianhua., Wang, Liang., Lan, Desheng., Liu, Jiawei., Liu, Siran., Zhao, Zhen., Zhao, Kun., Rehren, Thilo. 2019. Surface chromium on Terracotta Army bronze weapons is neither an ancient-rust treatment nor the reason for their good preservation, Scientific Reports, 9:5289.
43. Li, Chenyuan., Li, Yanxiang., Wang, Lixin., Chen, Kunlong, Liu, Siran. 2019. Primary research on the bronze technology of Lower Xiajiadian Culture in northeastern China. Heritage Science, 7:75.
44. Chen, K., Mei, J., Rehren, Th., Liu, S., Yang, W., Martinón-Torres, M., Zhao, C., Hirao, Y., Chen, J., Liu, Y. 2019. Hanzhong bronzes and highly radiogenic lead in Shang period China. Journal of Archaeological Science 101, 131-139.
45. 刘乃涛,刘思然,尚珩,吴同:北京万泉寺遗址金代白瓷胎釉配方的锶同位素特征研究,文物保护与考古科学,2024年第3期,第52-62页。
46. 王庆铸,郭俊峰,陈建立,李铭,方辉,刘思然,房振:济南市刘家庄遗址出土商代青铜器的铅同位素分析,考古,2021年第7期,第106-120页。
47. 严弼宸,刘思然,李延祥,杨颖东,周志清,王浩,姜先杰,黄云松:四川西昌东坪遗址炉渣分析与冶炼技术研究,中国文物科学研究,2018年第2期,第66-75页。
48. 周文丽,刘思然,陈建立:河南桐柏围山遗址坩埚炼铅技术初步研究,南方文物,2017年第2期,第131-140页。
49. 周文丽,刘思然,刘海峰,陈建立. 中国传统坩埚炼铅技术初探,自然科学史研究,2014年第33卷第2期,第201-215页。
1. 国家重点研发计划课题,中国古代铜金属物料溯源指标及其变化规律研究,2022-2025,200万元,主持,在研
2. 国家社会科学基金面上项目,基于铸铜遗存的江淮地区商代青铜手工业考古研究,2022-2025,20万元,主持,在研
3. 中组部国家级青年人才项目,商周时期高温手工业生产遗存的科技考古研究,2022-2025, 50万元,主持,在研。
4. 北京市社会科学基金青年学术带头人项目,文物溯源视野下的明代晚期白银流通研究,2021-2024, 15万元,主持,在研。
5. 国家自然科学基金,古代铁还原银铅冶炼技术研究,2018-2020,24万,主持,已结项。
6. 中国博士后科学基金,唐宋白银生产技术的冶金考古研究-以江西三处遗址为例,2017-2018,6万,主持,已结项。
7. 科技资源调查专项,中国先秦两汉时期矿冶遗址综合调查,2022-2027,1053万,参与,在研。
8. 国家重点研发计划,可移动文物价值认知及关键技术研究(无机质类),2020-2022,1053万,参与,在研。
9. 国家社会科学基金重大项目,中国冶金史,2017-2022,140万,参与,在研。
10. 四川省文物考古研究院横向,江口明末战场遗址白银文物产源地综合研究项目,2020-2022,48万,主持,在研。
11. 四川省文物考古研究院横向,江口明末战场遗址出水白银溯源研究,2019-2021,19万,主持,在研。
12. 安徽省考古研究所横向,安徽省寿县西圈墓地金属遗物检测分析,2018-2021,8万,主持,在研。
13. 中央高校基本科研业务费,基于铜同位素分析识别古代青铜器矿料的可行性研究,2019-2021,10万,主持,已结项