

Graves as Composite Objects: Developing a Model and Method of Analysis
主讲人: 安可 博士(Dr. Anke Hein)
Peter Moores Associate Professor for Chinese Archaeology
(University of Oxford)
时间:2017 年 6 月 13 日(周二)10:00
地点:冶金楼 616 室
    Burial data has long been the focus of research on past cultural andsocial groups. The Liangshan area in Southwest Sichuan with its great diversity in grave material is a very good case in point: the different grave forms observed here have often been identified with specific cultures or ethnic groups. The archaeological material of the area, however, does not fall into such neatly separable groups, but is marked by a great variety of different grave forms, interment practices, and object assemblages occurring in a numberof different combinations. On the methodological level, the material recordconstituting a grave is by no means a passive and direct reflection of pastsocial structures, but has been actively created.
    This paper uses the complex case of the Liangshan region to developa model representing the different processes by which the burial record wascreated. As the different objects making up the burial have each had a past life of their own, the paper proposes a scheme of analysis that treats burialsas ‘composite objects’ and considers their different components separately in their respective ‘life histories’ to identify patterns of past behavior.
    安可博士(Dr. Anke Hein)毕业于美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA),目前为牛津大学考古学院中国考古方向副教授。安可博士长期从事中国西部地区人类学考古工作,主要学术兴趣集中于史前、历史阶段早期陶器制作所表现出的文化交往、技术转移与传承。


