时间: 2024-09-26 点击: 163 次
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埃菲思缪斯·尼古拉耶迪斯(Efthymios Nikolaidis),教授,现为希腊国家研究基金会(National Hellenic Research Foundation,NHRF)历史研究所名誉所长。
The European 19th century can be defined as the “century of engineers”. It was marked by the development of machines, the heavy industry and new ways of transport, based on a specialized technical knowledge, that of the engineers. The French revolution developed educational institutions in order to form all kind of engineers, and these institutions took the place of the old universities. The model of the French Polytechnique rapidly spread all over Europe.
This new era brought also new ideas about a better society based on science and technology. This later would serve people to live better. From the beginning of the century, a lot of engineers are involved with politics and the organization of the society. They are used by governments in various posts, not only technical ones.
The involvement of the engineers with politics leads them to participate at the main ideological movements of that period. The utopistic views of Henri de Saint Simon and Charles Fourier had a great influence on engineers all over Europe. We find also a lot of them in 19th c. masonic lodges. Many engineers participate at revolutionary movements all over Europe and travel to serve newborn countries. There, they try to apply the new hygienist ideas about the construction of the cities.
埃菲思缪斯·尼古拉耶迪斯(Efthymios Nikolaidis,1954— ),希腊雅典人。1978年于法国巴黎第十一大学获物理学学士学位,1982年于法国社会科学高等研究院获科学史博士学位。现为希腊国家研究基金会(National Hellenic Research Foundation,NHRF)历史研究所名誉所长,于2013—2017年任国际科学史与科学哲学联盟科学技术史学会(The International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Division of History of Science and Technology,DHST/IUHPST)主席,2017—2021,2023年两次当选国际科学史研究院(International Academy of History of Science,IAHS)秘书长。