讲座通知——Iwo Amelung:建构中国科学史-以墨经光学为例


Public Lecture Notice——Iwo Amelung :建构中国科学史-以墨经光学为例
Reporter Iwo Amelung
Topic 建构中国科学史-以墨经光学为例
Time: 3:00-4:30 pm, 14 September 2011
Place: Room 616, Yejin shengtai Buiding, 冶金生态楼 616 会议室
   All of the students in our institute must to attend, and welcome other students to take part in.
   The lecture will  last for about 1 hour and we can then have 20-25 minutes for questions and discussion.
   Iwo Amelun g is a sinologist, his Chinese is very well. We can prepare some Chinese problems beside the theme.
Resume of reporter
Iwo Amelung
Fichardstr. 30
60322 Frankfurt
Tel.: +49 (0) 69 59674406
+49 (0) 1621841501
Email: iwo_amelung@gmx.de

Curriculum Vitae
2011/3-7 Visiting Professor for Senior International Scientists of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (SS 2011)
Since 2007/10 Professor for Chinese Studies (W3) at the Department of Chinese Studies at Frankfurt University
2007/4-9 Substituting as Professor for Chinese Studies at the Department of Chinese Studies at Frankfurt University
2003–2007 (on leave 2004-2005, 2007) Managing Director of European Centre for Chinese Studies at Peking University, Beijing University, PR China
2004–2005 Substituting as Chair of Chinese History and Culture, Department of Chinese and Korean Studies, Tübingen University, Germany
2005 Guest-professor, Department for Humanities and Social Sciences, Eidgen?ssische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Switzerland
2002/09 Guest-Lecturer at Department of History, Peking Normal University
2002-2003 Assistant Professor of Chinese Studies, Department of Middle Eastern and Far Eastern Languages and Cultures, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
2000–2002 Research Fellow and Lecturer Department of Middle Eastern and Far Eastern Languages and Cultures, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
1996–2000 Research Fellow, Institute for Philosophy, Technical University of Berlin
1995-1996 Guest Lecturer, East Asian Seminar, Free University of Berlin
1995-1996 Research Fellow, Institute of East Asian Studies, University of G?ttingen
2005 Habilitation (Chinese Studies), University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
1999 PhD. (Chinese Studies, History), Free University of Berlin (summa cum laude). Thesis: “Der Gelbe Flu? in Shandong, 1851-1911. ?berschwemmungen und ihre Bew?ltigung durch die Administration im China des sp?ten Kaiserreiches” (The Yellow River in Shandong [1851-1911]. Inundations and flood protection in late Imperial China).
1992–1993 Postgraduate Research, Institute for History of the Qing-dynasty, Remin-University of China, Beijing, PR China
1992 MA (Chinese Studies, History), Bonn University (summa cum laude)
1988–1992 Graduate student (Chinese studies, History), Bonn University
1985–1987 Exchange student, Shandong University, Jinan, PR China
1983-1985 Undergraduate Student (Chinese studies, History), G?ttingen University
Grants and Honours
·2009 Travelgrants for China, preparation of an archaeological summerschool, ca. Euro 8.000.
·2008 Grants by VolkswagenStiftung (VW foundation) and Friends- and Supporters Association of Goethe-University Frankfurt for Organizing Conference on the Reception of the Frankfurt School in China (ca. Euro 45.000).
·2008 Grant for participation in 12th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia in Shanghai awarded by German Research Foundation (DFG ).
·2005 Grant for participation in International Convention of Asian Scholars in Shanghai awarded by German Research Foundation (DFG)
·Between 1996 and 2002 grants awarded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for joint research in Paris (with EHESS), Rome (with University La Sapienzia) and Shanghai (Fudan-University)
·2002 Grant for participation in 10th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia in Shanghai awarded by German Research Foundation (DFG) – for private reasons declined
·2001 Invited guest researcher at the Institute for the History of Natural Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
·2000 Publication-grant awarded by German Research Foundation (DFG)
·1999 Grant for participation in 9th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia in Singapore awarded by German Research Foundation (DFG)
·1996 Grant for participation in Diyi jie Zhongguo keji dianji yanjiu in Zibo, China awarded by German Research Foundation (DFG)
·1993-95 Two-year fellowship for scientific research awarded by Study Group for the History and Philosophy of Chinese Science and Technology Technical University Berlin
·1992-93 Scholarship for archival research in Beijing, China awarded by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
·1983-85 Scholarship for language training in Jinan, China, awarded by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Publications and Research
1.Der Gelbe Flu? in Shandong (1851-1911). ?berschwemmungskatastrophen und ihre Bew?ltigung im China der sp?ten Qing-Zeit (The Yellow River in Shandong [1851-1911]. Inundations and Flood protection in Late Qing China) (Opera Sinologica 9) Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz, 2000, 455 pp. Reviews in: Orientalische Literaturzeitschrift 96 (2001), China Review International 9: 1 (2002), East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine 19 (2002), T’oung Pao 89: 1 (2003)
2.New Terms for New Ideas. Western Knowledge and Lexical Change in Late Imperial China.
Co-edited with M. Lackner and J. Kurtz. Leiden: Brill 2001, Review in East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine 22 (2004)
3.Selbstbehauptungsdiskurse in Asien: China – Japan – Korea (Asian Discourses of Self-Assertion: China–Japan–Korea). Co-edited with J. Kurtz, M. Koch, et al. Munich: Iudicium 2003.
4.Kritische Verh?ltnisse: Die Rezeption der Frankfurter Schule in China (Critical relations: The reception of the Frankfurt school in China). Co-edited with A. Dippner, Frankfurt/Main, Campus 2009
5.Falankefu xuepai zai Zhongguo  法?m克福?W派在中?? (The Frankfurt school in China). Beijing: Co-edited with A. Dippner and Liu Senlin, Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe 2011
Journal articles, book chapters and other published papers
1.“Qingdai Xianfeng chao Huanghe de juekou ji fanlan” 清代咸?S朝?S河的?Q口及泛?E (Dikebreaks and Inundations of the Yellow River During the Reign of the Xianfeng Emperor), in: Zhongguo shuili xuehui shuili shi yanjiuhui (Hrsg.) 中??水利史研究??(?) , Jianghuai shuilishi lunwenji 江淮水利史?文集 , Beijing 1993.
2.“Der Gelbe Flu? in Deutschland. Chinesisch-deutsche Beziehungen auf dem Gebiet des Wasserbaus in den 20er und 30er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts.” (The Yellow River in Germany: Chinese-German Relations in the Realm of River Hydraulics During the 20s and the 30s of the 20th Century) Oriens Extremus 1995:2, pp. 151-182 (external refereed)
3.“Basic Conceptions for the Control of the Yellow River as Seen in the Writings of Ming and Qing Dynasty Hydraulic Engineers.” in: Hua Jueming et al. (eds) ?A?X明等(?) , Zhongguo keji dianji yanjiu - diyi jie Zhongguo keji dianji guoji huiyi lunwenji 中??科技典籍研究?第一?弥??科技典籍???H???h?文集 . Zhengzhou: Daxiang chubanshe 1998, pp.189-200.
4.“Gegen die ausl?ndischen Barbaren: Die ‘Boxer’ und ihr Mythos” (Against the the Foreign Barbars: The Boxers and their Myth), in Hinz, Hans Martin, Christoph Lind (eds.), Tsingtao - Ein Kapitel deutscher Kolonialgeschichte in China 1897 - 1914, Berlin 1998, pp. 165-172.
5.“Introduction” (with J. Kurtz and M. Lackner). In New Terms for New Ideas. Leiden: Brill 2001, pp. 1–12.
6.“Weights and Forces. The Reception of Western Mechanics in late Imperial China”, In New Terms for New Ideas. Leiden: Brill 2001, pp. 147–176 (external refereed)
7.“Notes on Late Qing Dictionaries of Physics”, Wakumon III (2001), pp. 11-16.
8.“Die Vier gro?en Erfindungen. Selbstzweifel und Selbstbest?tigung in der chinesischen Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichtschreibung” (The Four Great Inventions. Self-doubts and Self-assertion in Chinese Historiography of Science and Technology), in: Amelung, Iwo, Chon, Song U, Kurtz Joachim et al. (eds.), Selbstbehauptungsdiskurse in Asien: China, Japan, Korea, Munchen: Iudicium 2003, pp. 243-274 (Chinese translation in preparation).
9.“Mingci fanyi yu kexue chuanbo: Yi wan Qing lixue wei li” 名?~翻?g?c科?W?鞑? : 以晚清?r期力?W?槔? (Translated terms and the dissemination of science: The case of mechanics in late Qing China), in Yuyan jiechu lunji ?Z言接?|?? (Essays on Language Contact). Edited by You Rujie and Zou Jiayan ?u嘉??,游汝?? . Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 2003, pp. 195–210.
10.Physik” (Physics). In: Das gro?e China-Lexikon (China Manual). Edited by Brunhild Staiger and Stefan Friedrich. Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde 2003, pp. 543–544.
11.“Naming Physics. The Strife to Delineate a Field of Modern Science in Late Imperial China”, in: Lackner, Michael, Vittinghoff, Natascha (eds.), Mapping Meanings: Translating Western Knowledge into Late Imperial China, Leiden: Brill 2004, pp. 381-422 (external refereed).
12.“Some Notes on Translations of the Physics Primer and Physical Terminology in Late Imperial China” Wakumon VIII (2004), pp. 11-34
13.“Preliminary Observations on “Regulations and Precedents Related to River Hydraulics” (Hegong zeli) During the Qing Dynasty” in: Vogel, Hans Ulrich, Moll-Muratata, Christine and Song Jianze (eds), Chinese Handicraft Regulations of the Qing Dynasty: Theory and Application, München: Iudicium 2005, pp. 285-305.
14.“Zu den Staatsanleihen w?hrend der sp?ten Qing-Zeit” (Notes on Government Bonds during the late Qing), in: Kolb, Raimund, Siebert, Martina (eds.), ?ber Himmel und Erde. Festschrift fur Erling von Mende, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2006, pp. 21-54.
15.“Wan Qing baikequan he Xinxue beizuan fenxi“ 晚清百科全书和《新学备纂》的分析 (Encyclopedias during the late Qing and a analysis of the Xinxue beizuan), in: Chen Pingyuan 陈平原 , Milena Dolezolowa (Hrsg.), Jindai Zhongguo de baike cishu 近代中国的百科辞书 , Beijing: Beijing daxue chubanshe 2007, pp. 112-134
16.“New Maps for the Modernizing State. Western Cartographic Knowledge and its application in 19th and 20th century China”, in: Francesca Bray, Vera Lichtman and Georges Metailie (eds.), Graphics and Text in the Production of Technical Knowledge in China, The Warp and the Weft Leiden: Brill 2007, pp. 685-726.
17.“Documents relating to the Control of the Yellow River in Shandong during the late Qing Dynasty (1851-1911) “, in: Greatrex, Roger, Vogel, Hans Ulrich (eds.), Social, Economic, and Political History in Late Imperial and Republican China: Selections from the Archives (in preparation), ca. 30 pages.
18.“Wissenschaft, Pseudowissenschaft und feudalistischer Aberglaube. Uberlegungen zur antidemokratischen Ausrichtung von Selbstbehautpungsdiskursen im China des 20. Jahrhunderts” (On anti-demorcratic tendencies of discourses of cultural self-assertion. The case of ‘science’ in China), in: Lackner, Michael (ed.), Zwischen Selbstbehauptung und Selbstbestimmung. Ostasiatische Diskurse des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts (Neue China-Studien 1), Baden-Baden: Nomos 2008, S. 162-181.
19.“Lo sviluppo della scienza moderna tra la fine del xix e la prima metà del xx secolo” (The development of the sciences during the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century), in: Samarani, Guido, Scarpari, Maurizio (eds.), La Cina. Verso la modernità: dal 1860 circa fino ai giorni nostri, Torino: Einaudi 2009, pp. 779-811.
20.“Scienza e ideologia nella Repubblica popolare cinese dal 1949 ai giorni nostri” (Science and ideology in the People’s Republic of China from 1949 to the present), in: Samarani, Guido, Scarpari, Maurizio (eds.), La Cina. Verso la modernità: dal 1860 circa fino ai giorni nostri, Torino: Einaudi 2009 pp. 813-857.
21.Zwischen ,Gesch?ft‘ und ,Aufkl?rung‘: Neue Enzyklop?dien im China des sp?ten 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts” (Between ‘business’ and ‘enlightenment: New encyclopedias in late 19th and early 20th century China), in: Robert Charlier (Hg.), Wissenswelten. Zur Aufkl?rungsgeschichte historischerEnzyklop?dik und Lexikografie, (Aufkl?rung und Moderne Bd. 19), Hannover: Wehrhahn-Verlag, 2009, pp. 49-63.
“ (Introduction: The challenge of a travelling theory), in: Amelung, Dippner (eds.), Kritische Verh?ltnisse, pp. 15-23.
24.“Stichwort: Pathologien der chinesischen Moderne” (Keyword: Pathologies of Chinese modernity), WestEnd 2009:2, pp. 81-84.
25.?La ricezione in China des telescopioe dell’ottica occidentale” (The reception of the telescope and Western optics in China), in: A. Peruzzi (ed.): Planeta Galileo 2009. Firenze: Consiglio regionale della Toscana 2010, pp.. 383-398. ?Wan Qing kexue jishu de puji” 晚清科学技术的普及 (The popularization of science and technology during the late Qing period), in: Fudan daxue lishi dili yanjiu zhongxin 复旦大学历史地理研究中心 (ed.): Kuayue kongjian de wenhua: 16-19 shiji Zhong Xi wenhua de xiangyu yu tiaohe 跨越空间的文化: 16-19 世纪中西文化的相遇与调和 . Shanghai: Dongfang chubanzhongxin 2010, pp. 308-314.
Minor publications, Working papers
1.“Deguo ‘Jinxiandai Hanyu xueshu yongyu’ yanjiu xiangmu jianjie” (The German Research Project ‘Studies in the Formation of Modern Chinese Terminologies’). Ciku jianshe tongxun (Hong Kong), 11.1997, pp. 5–7.
2.“Chinesisch als Wissenschaftssprache. Zur Entstehung der modernen chinesischen Terminologie” (Chinese as a Language of Science. On the Emergence of Modern Chinese Terminologies), Das neue China 24:4 (1997), pp. 20-21.
3.“Researching Modern Chinese Technical Terminologies: Methodological Considerations and Practical Problems (Workshop Report).” EACS Newsletter 16 (Feb. 1998), pp. 6–12.
4.“Fachchinesisch. ?ber die Entstehung der modernen chinesischen Wissenschaftssprache“ (Scientific Chinese. On the emergenee of Modern Chinese terminlogies) Zeitschrift für Kulturaustausch 2006:2, p. 38.
5.“Ein wenig Tübingen in Peking….Das European Centre for Chinese Studies at Peking University” (A little bit of Tübingen in Peking….The European Centre for Chinese Studies at Peking University), Tübinger Bl?tter 93 (2006/07), pp. 96-99.
Reviews and Translations
1.Yuan Xiaoyuan, Xu Dejiang, “Chinas fünfte gro?e Erfindung. ?ber die wissenschaftliche Natur der chinesischen Sprache und der chinesischen Schriftzeichen.” (China’s fifth Great Invention. On the Scientific Nature of Chinese Characters) Orientierungen 1990: 1, pp. 93-96.
2.Liu Xiaofeng, “Die Generationen vom ?Vierten Mai“ und ?Fünften April“. ?berlegungen aus soziologischer Sicht.” (The May fourth and the April fifth Generations. Considerations from a Sociological Point of View), Minima Sinica 1990:2, pp. 1-16.
3.Review of Re-Kreation eines Mathematischen Konzeptes im Chinesischen Diskurs. "Reihen" vom 1. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert by Andrea Bréard, Revue bibliographique de Sinologie/Review of Bibliography in Sinology 2000, pp. 535-536.
4.Zou Zhenhuan, “New Terms of Western Physical Geography in Late Qing Texts”, G?ttinger Beitr?ge zur Asienforschung 1 (2001).
5.Wang Yangzong, “A New Inquiry into the Translation of Chemical Terms by John Fryer and Xu Shou”, in: New Terms for New Ideas. Leiden: Brill 2001, pp. 271-283.
6.Review of Controlling the Dragon. Confucian Engineers and the Yellow River in Late Imperial China, T’oung Pao 88 (2002), pp. 469-478.
7.Review of Chinese Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology edited by Fan Dainian and Robert S. Cohen, East Asian Science, Technology,and Medicine 21, 2003, pp. 149-155.
8.Review of Die chinesische Regionalbeschreibung. Entwickung und Funktion einer Quellengattung dargestellt am Beispiel der Pr?fekturbeschreibungen von Hangzhou by Christine Moll-Murata Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie/Review of Bibliography in Sinology 2003-2005, pp. 13-14.
9.Review of Science and Technology in East Asia (Proceedings of the XXth International Congress of History of Science Vol IX), edited by Catherine Jami and Alain Arrault, East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine 26 (2007), pp. 136-143.
10.Translation: Han Shuifa: ?Das Subjekt der Aufkl?rung“, in: Huang Liaoyu und Ottfried H?ffe (Hrsg.): Yi qimeng de mingyi – Im Namen der Aufkl?rung. Peking: Beijing University Press 2011, pp. 78-96
Internet Projects
1.Digital Library of Western Knowledge in Late Imperial China. Co-edited with Shen Guowei, Joachim Kurtz and Uchida Keiichi (2002–present). See: http://www.wsc.uni-erlangen.de/etexts.
2.WSC Database: An Electronic Repository of Chinese Scientific, Philosophical and Political Terms Coined in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century. Co-edited with Michael Lackner and Joachim Kurtz (2001–present). See: http://www.wsc.uni-erlangen.de/wscdb.htm.
Invited Talks and Conference Papers
1.“Qingdai Xianfeng chao Huanghe de juekou ji fanlan” 清代咸?S朝?S河?Q口及泛?E (Dikebreaks and inundations of the Yellow River during the reign of the Xianfeng-emperor of the Qing-dynasty), paper presented at conference Jiang Huai diqu Lishi shang shui han zaihai ji jianchan duice 江淮地?^?v史上水旱?暮?及?p?a?Σ? (Conference on historical inundations and draughts and preventive measures in the Changjiang-Huai-River area), Huaian November 1992.
2.“Huanghe gaidao he Zhongguo beifang jingji bianhua” ?S河改道和中??北方????化 (The change of the course of the Yellow River and economic changes in Northern China), Beijing, March 1993.
3.“Historische Flutkontrollma?nahmen entlang des Gelben Flusses.” (Measures of flood prevention along the Yellow River), Suderburg/Germany, June 1994.
4.“Historischer Wasserbau am Gelben Flu?” (Historical hydraulics along the Yellow River), R?mer-Pelizaeus Museum Hildesheim, October 1994.
5. “Chinesisch als Wissenschaftssprache” (Chinese as a language of science) (together with J. Kurtz), Institute for Chinese Studies, Heidelberg, June 1996.
6. “Basic conceptions for the Control of the Yellow River as seen in the Writings of Ming and Qing Hydraulic Engineers” paper presented at Diyi jie Zhongguo keji dianji guoji huiyi 第一?弥??科技典籍???H???h (First international Conference on Classical writings of Chinese science and technology), Zibo August 1998.
7. “Preparations pour un dictionnaire historique de la langue chinoise en sciences socials” (together with J. Kurtz), EHESS, Paris July 1997.
8. “River gods and popular culture in Late Imperial China”, paper presented at International conference Qingdai shehui yanjiu 清代社??研究 (Researches on Qing society), Yantai, August 1997.
9. “The Formation of Modern Chinese Scientific Terminologies” (together with J. Kurtz), City University Hong Kong, September 1997.
10. “Physics in late Imperial China. First results from the Gottingen-Berlin project”, paper presented at International workshop Researching Modern Chinese Technical Terminologies, G?ttingen October 1997.
11. “China, Japan and the West: Computer-based Comparisons of Scientific Languages as a Means to Gauge Cultural Interaction”, paper presented at the Workshop: The Role of Japanese as an Intermediate Language in the Formation of Modern Chinese Scientific Terminologies, Institute of East Asian Studies, G?ttingen University, August 1998.
12. “Taking Science as Root: Disaster prevention and disaster relief in the prize-winning essays of the Shanghai Polytechnic Institution and Reading Room.”, paper presented at 8th International Conference on the History of Science in China, Berlin August 1998.
13. “Imprecise Terms for an Exact Science? Physical Terminology in Late Imperial China.”, EHESS, Paris November 1998
14. “Averting disaster. Yellow River Control during the late Qing”, College de France, Paris November 1998.
15. “?berschwemmungen des Gelben Flusses im 19. Jahrhundert. Menschenwerk oder Ergebnis natürlicher Dynamik?” (Inundations of the Yellow River during the 19th century. Man-made or result of natural dynamics?”, University of Lüneburg/Germany, April 1999
16. “The Use of Maps for the Control of the Yellow River in Late Imperial China”, paper presented at 9th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, Singapore August 1999.
17. “Naming physics. The strife to delineate a field of science in late Imperial China”, paper presented at International conference Translating Western Knowledge into Late Imperial China, G?ttingen, December 1999.
18. “River Gods in late Imperial China.”, Needham Research Institute, Cambridge/UK, March 2000.
19. “Translated terms and the transmission of sciences. The case of mechanics in late Imperial China.”, paper presented at Yuyan jiechu yuanzhuo taolunhui ?Z言接?|???? , Hong Kong, August 2000.
20. “The forces of the study of weight”, paper presented at the 13th European Association for Chinese Studies conference, Torino, August 2000.
21. “Die Vier Gro?en Erfindungen. Selbstzweifel und Selbstbest?tigung in der chinesischen Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichtsschreibung” (The four great inventions. Self-doubts and self-assertion in Chinese historiography of science and technology, paper presented at conference Asiatische Selbstbehauptungsdiskurse (Asian discourses of cultural self-assertion) Tokyo, December 2000.
22. “Mingci fanyi yu kexue chuanbo: Yi wan Qing shiqi lixue wei li” 名?~翻?g?c科?W?鞑ィ阂酝砬?r期力?W?槔? (Translated terms and the dissemination of science: The example of mechanics during the late Qing period), Institute for the History of Natural Science of the Academy of Sciences, Beijing, March 2001.
23. “The Formation of Modern Chinese Scientific Terminologies: An Introduction to the Databases of the Research Project `Wissenschaftssprache Chinesisch' (WSC)”, poster presentation at the ICAS, Berlin, August 2001.
24. “New Maps for the Modernizing State. Western Cartographical Knowledge in late 19th Century China.”, paper presented at the European and North American Exchanges in East Asian Studies Conference: De l'image a:l'action : la dynamique des representations visuelles dans la culture intellectuelle et religieuse de la Chine, Paris, September 2001
25. “Wan Qing kexue chuanbo de yi xie wenti”. 晚清科?W?鞑サ囊恍???} (On some problems related to the dissemination of the sciences in late Qing China), Department of History, Peking Normal University, September 2001.
26. “Surveying and maps in Late Qing China.”, paper presented at the 9th International Conference on the History of Science in China, Hong Kong October 2001.
27. “From Feixijia to Wulixue: Notes on the Reception of Western Physics in Late Imperial China.”, paper presented at the International Conference: Matteo Ricci and After: Four Centuries of Cultural Interactions between China and the West, Hong Kong, October 2001.
28. “Si da faming zhi faming: Ershi shiji shang banye xifang dui Zhongguo kexue jishu shixue de yingxiang” 四大?l明之?l明。二十世?o上半西方?χ??科?W技?g史?W的影? (The invention of the “Four great inventions: Western influences on historiography on science and technology in China during the first half of the 20th century), Institute for the history of science, Beijing, September 2002.
29. “Zhongguo jin bainian kexue jishu shixue fazhan chutan” 中??近百年科?W技?g史?W?l展初? (Preliminary considerations of the dcveloment of history of science and technology in China during the last 100 years), University of Science and Technology, Hefei, December 2002.
30. “Preliminary Observations on ‘Regulations and Precedents Related to River Hydraulics’ (Hegong Zeli) During the Qing Dynasty”, paper presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Ancient Chinese Books and Records of Science and Technology, Workshop: "Chinese Handicraft Regulations: Theory and Application", Tübingen, April 2003.
31.“Documents relating to the Control of the Yellow River in Shandong during the late Qing Dynasty (1851-1911).”, paper presented at the Workshop: Archives and Documents for East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine, Part I, CNRS, Paris, June 2003.
32.“Inventing the Four Great Inventions.Western Influences on the Historiography of Science in China during the First Half of the 20th Century”, EHESS, Paris, June 2003
33.“Uberlegungen zur antidemokratischen Ausrichtung von Selbstbehauptungsdiskurse am Beispiel von ‘Wissenschaft’ in China.” (On anti-demorcratic tendencies of discourses of cultural self-assertion. The case of ‘science’ in China), paper presented at the Workshop on discourses of cultural self-assertion. Part IV. Attempt of a provisional appraisal, Kyoto, December 2003.
34.“Kexueshi yu minzuzhuyi” 科?W史?c民族主?x (History of Science and Nationalism), Department of Philosophy, Peking University, Beijing, December 2003.
35. “Deguo de Zhongguo yanjiu” 德??的中??研究 (China-studies in Germany), Centre for German-studies, Peking University, Beijing, May 2004.
36. “Yellow River hydraulics, maps and the modernization of cartographic practice in Late Qing China. Some Notes on the relevance of archival material for doing research in history of science and technology”, paper presented at the Workshop: Archives and Documents for East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine, Part II, CNRS, Paris, June 2004.
37. “History of Science in China during the First half of the 20th century”, paper presented at Shanghai Round table: China's new Role in the International Community, Shanghai Institute for Advanced Studies, Shanghai, June 2004.
38. “Deguo hanxue: Qiyuan, lishi yanbian he xianzhuang” 德???h?W。起源,?v史演?和?F?? (Chinese Studies in Germany, Origins, historical evolution and current situation), Institute for History, Fudan University, Shanghai, June 2004.
39. “Erinnerung und Selbstbehauptung: Personen und Orte des chinesischen Kernwaffenprogramms” (Historical Memory and Self-assertion: Persons and Places of the Chinese Nuclear-weapons program), paper presented at conference Kulturelle Erinnerung und Selbstbehauptung in Ostasien (Cultural Memory and Self-assertion in East Asia), Shanghai, December 2004.
40. “Discovering “Chinese Optics” in late 19th and early 20th century China. The reception of scientific knowledge from the West and the formation and development of research into a field of indigenous science”, paper presented at European Science Foundation Explanatory Workshop: Sciences in Asia: Representations and Historiography, 17th to 20th centuries, Cambridge/UK, January 2005.
41. “Wie chinesisch ist Chinesisch eigentlich?” (How Chinese is the Chinese language and script?), Studium Generale, Tübingen University, July 2005.
International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia Munich, August 2005.
44.“Guozhai gainian de jieshou he Zhongguo zaoqi de guokuquan” ????概念的接受和中??早期的???烊? (The reception of the concept of national debt and early Chinese attempts to float government bonds), paper presented at Dongya jindai zhu gainian de chengli guoji taolunhui ?|??近代?T概念的成立???H????, Kyoto: International Research Center for Japanese Studies August 2005
45.“Ruhe goujian yige shihe yanjiu Zhongguo jindai xueke jianli ji fazhan de fenxi kuangjia: Xifang xuekeshi lilun de jianjie” 如何??建一???m合研究中??近代?W科建立及?l展的分析框架:西方?W科史理?的借?b (How to establish an analytical framework for doing research on the establishment and development of modern academic disciplines in China: Guidance from Western disciplinary history), paper presented at Zhongguo xiandai xueke de xingcheng. Guoji xueshu taolunhui“ 中???F代?W科的形成 ???H研??? (International conference on the establishment of modern academic disciplines in China, Shanghai: Fudan University, September 2005
46.“Yellow River hydraulics, maps and the modernization of cartographic practice in Late Imperial China”, paper presented at Man and Environment in Central Asia. International Symposium in Honour of Ferdinand von Richthofen –Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of his Death in 1905, Berlin: Humboldt University, October 2005
47.“Ershiyi shiji Zhongwen huayu zhong de guai wu: Hanxuezhuyi” 二十一世?o中文??Z中的怪物:?h?W主?x (A strange thing within twenty-first century Chinese discourse: Sinologism), paper presented at Deguo hanxueshi yantaohui 德???h?W史研??? (International conference on the history of German sinology), Beijing: Beijing waiguoyuyan University, December 2005
48.“The Xinxuebeizuan 新?W?浯? (Complete compilation of new knowledge), its classification scheme and its sources”, paper presented at International Workshop Early Modern Chinese Encyclopaedias: Changing Ways of Thought in Late Qing China, Heidelberg University, March 2006
49.“Wan Qing baikequanshu he Zhongguo jindai xueke de jianli“ 晚清百科全??和中??近代?W科的建立 (Encyclopedias of the late Qing dynasty and the establishment of modern disciplines in China), Institute for History, Fudan University, Shanghai, May 2006.
50.“Qing mo Zhongguo cehuixue he dituxue de xiandaihua jincheng“ 清末中国测绘学和
地图学的现代化进程 (Surveying and the process of cartographic modernization during the late Qing), Institute for Qing History, Renmin University of China, Peking, May 2006.
51.“Shijiu shiji mo de Zhongguo dituxue“ 十九世纪末的中国地图学 (Cartography in late 19th century China), Institute of Philosophy, Peking Unversity, Peking, June 2006.
52.“Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichtsschreibung im China der ersten H?lfte des 20. Jahrhunderts“ (Historiography of Science and Technology in China during the first half of the 20th century), Colloquium on History of Science, Zurich University and Eidgen?ssische Technische Hochschule Zürich, June 2006.
53.“Neue Enzyklop?dien im China des sp?ten 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts: zwischen ,Aufkl?rung‘ und ,Gesch?ft‘“ (New encylopedias in late 19th and early 20th century China: Between ‘enlightenment’ and ‘business’), paper presented at Workshop Wissenswelten – Zur Aufkl?rungsgeschichte historischer Enzyklop?dik und Lexikographie, Potsdam, October 2006
54.“Mingming wulixue: Wan Qing gouhua yi zhongjindai kexue lingyu lunkuo de nuli“ 命名物理学:晚清构划一种近代科学领域轮廓的努力( Naming Physics: The strife to delineate a field of learning during the late Qing), paper presented at international conference Zhongguo xiandai xueke de xingcheng: Yi xueke shuyu wei zhongxin taolun 中国现代学科的形成:以学科术语为中心的讨论 (The emergence of modern Chinese academic disciplines: The aspect of conceptual transformation), Shanghai: Fudan University, October 2006.
55.“Qing mo dituxue de xiandaihua“ 清末地图学的现代化 (The Modernization of Cartography during the late Qing), Beijing, Foreign Study University, Beijing December 2006.
56.Participant in Round Table “Hanxue de ziwo dingwei” 汉学的自我定位 (The self-definition of Sinology), International Conference Shijie hanxue dahui 世界汉学大会 (World conference on Sinology), Renmin University of China, March 2007.
57.? Von der ‘Untersuchung der Dinge’ zum ‘Klassifizierten Lernen’ - Reflexionen über die Rezeption westlicher Wissenschaften im China des sp?ten 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts (From the ‘Investigation of Things’ to ‘Classified Learning’ – Reflections on the reception of Western Sciences in late 19th and early 20th century China”, Berlin, Technical University, May 2007
58.“Celun (Policy Essays) and ?Western Knowledge’ at the Civil Service Examinations of 1902-1904”, paper presented at workshop “The Return of Philology: Close Readings of Chinese Texts for the Postmodern Age”, Max-Planck Society Berlin, July 2007
59.“The Yellow River in Germany. On engineering interaction between China and Germany in the first half of the 20th century,” paper presented at workshop L’émergence de la profession d’ingénieur en Chine, College de France, Paris, June 2008
60.““Lokalisierung der Wissenschaften: Der Fall der 'Chinesischen Optik'” (Localising science: The case of Chinese optics), University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, June 2008
61.“Popularizing Science and Technology in Late Imperial China.“, paper presented at 12th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, Baltimore, July 2008.
62.Introductory Remarks and organization International conference Kritik - Theorie - Kritische Theorie: Die Frankfurter Schule in China (Critique – theory – critical theory, the reception of the Frankfurt School in China), Frankfurt, September 2008
63.Discussant for panel on softpower and co-organizer International Conference Cultural Power Asia, Frankfurt, November 2008.
64.“Wan Qing kexue jishu de puji” 晚清科学技术的普及 (Popularizing science and technology during the late Qing), paper presented at international confernce Kuayue kongjian de wenhua. 16-19 shiji Zhong Xi wenhua de xiangyu yu tiaoshi 跨越空间的文化。 16-19 世纪中西文化的相遇与调试 (Cultures Across Space. An International Conference on Cultural Encounter and Accommodation between China and the West, 16th-19th century), Shanghai, December 2008.
65.?Karl August Wittfogel und der westliche Blick auf die chinesische Naturwissenschaft“ (Karl August Wittfogel and the Western view of Chinese science), paper presented at international conference ?100 Jahre Sinologie in Deutschland. Geschichte, Methoden, Perspektiven“ (100 years Chinese studies in Germany. History, methody, perspectives), Bonn University, June 2009
66.?Aberglaube, Technonationalismus und die Konstruktion von Identit?t. Zur diskursiven Funktion von Wissenschaft im China des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts“ (Superstition, techno-nationalism, and identity construction. On the discursive uses of science in 20th and 21st century China, Erlangen, July 2009
67.Manipulating fate. Worshipping River gods in late Imperial China”, paper presented at international workshop of the international research consortium Fate, freedom, and prognostication in East Asia and Europe: Strategies for coping with the future in East Asia and Europe, University Erlangen- Nuremberg, July 2009
68.“Die Erfindung der Vier Gro?en Erfindungen. Wissenschaftsgeschichtsschreibumg im China des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts” (The invention of the four great inventions. Historiography of science in early 20th century China), invited talk Confucius Institute Leipzig, November 2009.
69.“The reception of the telescope and Western optics in China”, paper presented at international Conference, “Galileo in China”, Florence, Italy, Gabinetto Vieusseux, November 2009.
70.“‘Neue’ Enzyklop?dien der sp?ten Qing-Zeit. Aufkl?rung oder Gesch?ft?” (New encyclopedias of late Qing-China. Enlightenment or Business), paper presented at conference Aufkl?rung für die Zukunft:Ein deutsch-chinesischer Dialog über Kantund die deutsche Philosophie der Gegenwart, Tübingen University, November 2009.
Courses taught
1.Law, Gender and the State in traditional China, fall 2009 Frankfurt
2.Rebellionen in der chinesischen Geschichte (Rebellions in Chinese history), fall 2009 Frankfurt
3.Die Aktualit?t der Tradition: Repr?sentationen der Vergangenheit im modernen China (The timeliness of tradtion: Representations of the past in contemporary China), spring 2009 Frankfurt
4. Lektüre von leichten schriftsprachlichen Texten am Beispiel von Dokumenten zur Rebellion des Zhong Renjie (Readings in documentary Chinese: The rebellion of Zhong Renjie), fall 2008 Frankfurt
5.Die Nanjing-Dekade: Reaktion oder Moderne? The Nanjing-decade: reaction or modernity? Fall 2008 Frankfurt
6.Wissenschaften im modernen China (Sciences in modern China), summer 2008 Frankfurt
7.Chinas Weg in die Moderne (The search for Modern China), fall 2007, fall 2008 Frankfurt
8.Chinesische Erinnerungsorte (Lieux de memoire [Sites of memory] in China), fall 2007 Frankfurt
9.Recht und Gesellschaft im traditionellen China (Law and society in traditional China)
10.Chinese Zeitungslektüre II (Newspaper Reading II), spring 2007 Frankfurt
11.Geschichte, Staat und Gesellschaft des vormodernen China (History, state and society of premodern China), spring 2007, spring 2008, spring 2009, Frankfurt
12.Kultur, Wissenschaft, Politik und Nationale Identit?t - Zur Entwicklung der chinesischen Wissenskultur im 20. Jahrhundert am Beispiel der Arch?ologie (Culture, academia, politics and national identity – The development of Chinese archaeology as culture of knowledge), spring 2007 Frankfurt
13.“Der chinesische Ursprung des ‘westlichen Wissens’ – Entwicklung und Anwendung einer Denkfigur im China des sp?ten Kaiserreiches (“The Chinese Origins of Western Knowledge” – Development and Application of a Figure of Thinking in late Imperial China), spring 2005 Tübingen
14.Klassisches Chinesisch I (Classical Chinese I), fall 2004 Tübingen
15.Computer and Internet, spring 2007 Frankfurt, fall 2004 Tübingen
16.Mord und Totschlag im China der spaten Kaiserzeit (Murder and Homicide in late Imperial China), fall 2004 Tübingen, spring 2001 Erlangen
17.Rebellionen im China des sp?ten 19. Jahrhunderts, Taiping, Nian, Boxer (Rebellions in late 19th Century China, Taiping, Nian, Boxer), fall 2004 Tübingen, spring 2001 Erlangen.
18.Klassisches Chinesisch II (Classical Chinese II), spring 2007 Frankfurt, spring 2007 Beijing (first five weeks), spring 2006 Beijing, spring 2005 Tübingen, spring 2004 Beijing.
19.Geschichte und Geistesgeschichte des modernen Chinas (History and Intellectual History of Modern China), spring 2007 Beijing (first five weeks), spring 2006 Beijing, spring 2005 Zürich, spring 2004 Beijing
20.Einführung in die Sinologie (Introduction to Chinese Studies), 2 terms course fall 2002 and spring 2003 Erlangen
21.Hilfsmittel der Sinologie (Research-aids for Chinese Studies), spring 2005 Tübingen, fall 2000 Erlangen
22.China und die Fremden im Spiegel von Abbildung und Kartographie (Chinas and Foreign Countries with Special Emphasis on Illustrations and Cartography), spring 2002, Erlangen
23.Lektüre leichter schriftsprachlicher Texte am Beispiel von Dokumenten zur Rebellion des Zhong Renjie (Classical Chinese readings. The Rebellion of Zhong Renjie), fall 2002 Erlangen
24.Ann?herungen an die chinesische Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte (Approaches to Chinese Social- and Economic history), spring 2003 Erlangen
25.Chinesische Geschichte 1600 bis 1900 (Chinese History 1600 to 1900), fall 2001 Erlangen
26.Lektüre von Zeitschriften und Magazinen der sp?ten Qing-Zeit (Readings from Journals and Magazines from the late Qing period), fall 2001 Erlangen
27.Methodological Issues in Transcultural Histories of Science and Thought (Parts I to III), Fall 2001 to Spring 2003, Erlangen (co-taught)
28.Lektüre von Texten zur Wirtschaftsentwicklung und zum Bankwesen in China (Readings on Economical Development and Banking in China), spring 2001 Erlangen
29.Advanced Readings in Chinese Science and Thought, Fall 1999 and Spring 2000, TU Berlin (co-taught with Fabrizio Pregadio and Martina Siebert)
30.China und die Atombombe (China and the Atomic Bomb), spring 2000 Technical University Berlin
31.Physik in China (Physics in China), spring 1999 Technical University Berlin
32.Kan?le in China (Canals in China), spring 1998 Technical University Berlin
33.Wasserbau am Gelben Fluss (Hydraulic Engineering along the Yellow River) (co-taught with Erling von Mende), Free University Berlin spring 1995
·Vice-dean department of languages and cultural studies, Frankfurt University (since 2009)
·vice-director, Interdisciplinary center for East-Asian Studies, Frankfurt University (since 2008)
·Peer reviewer for European Science Foundation
·Peer reviewer for Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation)
·Books and articles reviewed for Brill Academic Publishers and Curzon Press
·Chairman China-Institute at Frankfurt University (since 2007)
·Member Interdisciplinary Center for East-Asian Studies Frankfurt University (since 2007)
·Member, B.A. Committee, Chineses Studies, Tübingen 2004-2005
·Member, B.A. Committee, Chinese Studies, Erlangen, 2000–2003
·Member, Council for Curricular Development, Dept. of Middle Eastern and Far Eastern Languages and Cultures, Erlangen, 2002–2003
·Member, IQN Search Committee, Erlangen, 2000–2003
·Undergraduate and Graduate Advisor, Chinese Studies, Erlangen, 2002–2003
·European Association of Chinese Studies
·International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine
Research Cooperation
·Project “Wissenschaftssprache Chinesisch” (Modern Chinese Scientific Terminologies) University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
·Research Group “Money and Finance in China and East Asia, 1600- 1900: Local, Regional, National and International Dimensions” University of Tübingen (financed by German Research foundation) responsible for two projects on government bonds and the reception of Western economic thought during the late Qing
·Regular participant in conference series Selbstbehauptungsdiskurse in Ostasien (Discourses of Cultural Uniqueness in East-Asia)
·Project “Zhongguo xiandai xueke de xingcheng” 中???F代?W科的形成 (The formation of modern academic disciplines in China) Fudan University Shanghai
42.“Inventing the Four Great Inventions. Western Influences on the Development of the Historiography of Science in China during the First Half of the 20th Century”, paper presented at 11th
43."Imagining ‘Chinese Optics’ in Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth-Century China. The reception of scientific knowledge from the West and the formation and development of research into a field of indigenous science.” paper presented at Shanghai ICAS IV August 2005.
22.Einleitung: Die Herausforderungen einer Traveling theory
23.?Modernit?t, Aberglaube und Nationale Identit?t: ?berlegungen zur Entwicklung der Wissenschaft in China“ (Modernity, superstition and National Identity: Reflections on the Development of the sciences in China), WestEnd 2009:2, pp. 96-118,